Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia


Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia


Russia is planning on slaughtering thousands of stray dogs and cats before it hosts the World Cup this summer. Time is running out for these poor animals. Sign this petition to stop the planned extermination.

Now it’s our turn to ask for help:


For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:


Without your support, our organization would cease to exist… literally. This is because running a major online activism platform is expensive. Without the financial support from our Premium Members, we would be forced to shut down our operations — and animal abusers, environmental polluters and wrongdoers across the globe would breathe a sigh of relief knowing that there was one less watchdog shining light on their evil ways.


Don’t let this happen! Please consider upgrading right now to ensure we can continue our important work. When you upgrade to a Premium Membership, you will also gain access to our Premium Perks, which include:


• Feed shelter animals by spinning the Meal Wheel.

• Feed shelter animals with the Educational Series quizzes.
• Sign 100’s of petitions with
• Receive a 50% coupon for our store, which also feeds shelter animals!
• Ad-free browsing and voting on which petitions are displayed to millions of people.


We’re so sure you will love your Premium Membership and the Premium Perks that if you upgrade right now, we’ll guarantee a full refund for the next 7 days if you’re unsatisfied. Simply email us within 7 days if you’d like to cancel your upgrade and receive a full refund.

Spin the Meal
                                                      Wheel to feed
                                                      shelter animals!


Please Also Help With These Causes:


Dogs Reportedly Living in Filth Deserve Justice


Liberate Pets from Punishing Restraints and Brutal Weather


Cat Allegedly Beaten with Baseball Bat Deserves Justice


Ban All New Cosmetics Tested on Animals



Upgrade to
                                                      support our work
                                                      and save time!



Learn About Dog Sledding and Dog Chaining:

The Animal Petitions Educational Series is part of our efforts to educate the public about important animal welfare issues. Premium Members can feed shelter animals with every correct answer to the quiz given at the bottom of the course materials. Everyone is welcome to take the course and quiz but only Premium Members will feed shelter animals. Premium Membership dues support the continued work of our organization.


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