Neuer Beitrag auf Die Unbestechlichen   Weltweites Phänomen: Wieder stürzten Hunderte Vögel vom Himmel (Video) von Redaktion In der Kleinstadt Draper im US-Bundesstaat Utah sind am 29. Januar hunderte tote Vögel vom Himmel gefallen. Die Einwohner fragen sich nun, warum die Tiere in der Luft getötet wurden. Der unerklärliche Vorfall ereignete sich am 29. Januar entlang einer Straße der Stadt Draper und hinterließ zahlreiche verwirrte Menschen. „Sie fielen wie Blätter vom Himmel“, sagte einer der verblüfften Zeugen gegenüber dem Fernsehsender KSTU-FOX 13. Insgesamt wurden über 200 tote und 17 noch lebende Stare gefunden, die entlang der Straße 300 East lagen, und die Bilder der Szene sorgtenRead More →

Schluss mit Mätzchen in der Manege! Im Browser lesen   Fünf ausgewachsene männliche Löwen sitzen in einem Gewerbegebiet im Saarland in einem dunklen Anhänger. Für die Veterinärbehörde kein Problem, für uns aber sehr wohl. Denn die Tiere werden in ihrem Winterquartier unter inakzeptablen Bedingungen gehalten, bis sie wieder in einem Zirkus in der Manege Kunststückchen zeigen müssen. Wildtiere haben im Zirkus nichts verloren – weder im Winterquartier, noch auf Tournee. Appellieren Sie mit uns an die neue Bundesregierung: Wildtiere müssen endlich raus aus dem Zirkus!   Petition: Wildtiere raus aus dem Zirkus!   Löwen im Gewerbegebiet         Der Ohrengeier braucht unsere Stimme! Manche nennenRead More →

  Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia   Russia is planning on slaughtering thousands of stray dogs and cats before it hosts the World Cup this summer. Time is running out for these poor animals. Sign this petition to stop the planned extermination. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:   For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Without your support, our organization would cease to exist… literally. This is because running a major onlineRead More →

  Save Pristine Rainforest From Destructive Palm Oil Expansion   A palm oil plantation has destroyed a gigantic swath of pristine rainforest. Please help us save the rest of this rare and exotic rainforest from corporate greed by signing this petition. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:     For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Our organization is only able to continue our work due to the financial support from people like you. This is because running a majorRead More →

  Protect Animals like Blacky the Dog in Mauritius!     Sign Now       It was the night before Christmas Eve. All was supposed to be peaceful in Triolet, Mauritius. But that’s the night that a man named Nikhil decided to pull out a sword and cut up his neighbor’s dogs, Blacky and Dipsy. It’s time for Mauritius to stop animal abusers and adopt stricter laws. Tell the government to prosecute Nikhil and others who hurt animals! Blacky and his brother each underwent surgery for more than four hours. Veterinarians reported that Blacky had „large, deep and open spinal and leg injuries, [his]Read More →

  Rescue Rapper’s Pet Monkey From Captivity and Release to Sanctuary     Famous rapper Chris Brown bought a capuchin monkey as a pet for his daughter. Monkeys are wild animals and living in a home causes them serious mental trauma. Demand Chris Brown release his captive monkey to an accredited sanctuary. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:   For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Without your support, our organization would cease to exist… literally. This is because runningRead More →

  Stop Trump From Destroying Oceans With Oil Drilling   Offshore drilling is deadly for ocean ecosystems and human health, but it’s very profitable for Big Oil. Tell Trump that we support clean renewable energy, not fossil fuels. Sign this petition to denounce Trump’s decision to open 90 percent of America’s coastal waters to offshore drilling. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:     For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Our organization is only able to continue our workRead More →

        Friend, This past week on the Texas coast, water temperatures dipped below 50 degrees and affected over 2,000 endangered sea turtles. Sea turtles that are „cold stunned“ may try and reach the surface to be warmed by the sun but our air temperature was below freezing. Cold stunned turtles become very lethargic and are more susceptible to boat strikes, predators and even death from exposure. This has become the largest cold stunning event ever recorded on the Texas coast, and we’re expecting another cold front this weekend. Please donate to help our dedicated staff, volunteers, and me rescue these vulnerable sea turtles.Read More →

  Thailand: Ban Elephant Rides     Sign Now       brigitte, How would you like to haul humans on your back through the jungle? We can only imagine the pain and discomfort elephants endure, wrapped in straps and chains that attach big bulky chairs to their bodies while people climb on for a ride. Many elephants in Thailand are expected to work for parks offering an exciting „adventure“ to tourists. These poor animals are often treated cruelly and overworked. Elephants aren’t entertainment and these elephants parks must be closed. These parks are not only inhumane, but they are dangerous to animals and peopleRead More →

  Stop Cutting Up and Serving Live Animals at Restaurants   Octopuses are being held down, cut up alive, and then served in sushi restaurants. These poor animals can feel pain and are aware of each hack into their sensitive tentacles. Sign this petition to demand officials protect these creatures and stop restaurants from preparing and serving live animals. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:     For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Our organization is only able toRead More →