Stop Trophy Hunters From Slaughtering Giraffes   A trophy hunter from Kentucky slaughtered an exotic 18-year-old giraffe and posted an image of her kill on Instagram. The social media post shows the hunter pointing up at the sky, seemingly thanking God for helping her slaughter this majestic animal. Sign the petition to condemn this woman for her cruelty. Now We Need Your Help:   We’ll get right to the point – We need your help. Without the financial support of our Premium Members, we could not afford to continue our work. Over the years, we’ve helped animals, saved the environment, and fought for justice. However,Read More →

    Woman Enslaved by Salvadoran Guerrillas to be Deported by U.S. for “Supporting Terrorists” June 7, 2018A woman from El Salvador who gained Temporary Protected Status in the U.S. after being abducted and enslaved by guerrillas is now facing deportation after a court ruled that her forced labor constituted “material support for terrorists.”   READ NOW Unprecedented UN Sanctions Slapped on ‘Millionaire Migrant Traffickers’ June 7, 2018The United Nations Security Council has hit six major human traffickers operating in Libya with unprecedented sanctions. Shockingly, one is a commander in the Libyan Coast Guard who allegedly sank boats full of African migrants. READ NOW   AnRead More →

Halt Mass Execution of Stray Dogs   Dead dogs swinging from tree branches, claw marks beside a freshly dug grave, and canine carcasses mixed in with the trash. These are the scenes in one Indian region today. Demand an end to the widespread and barbaric slaughter of stray dogs. Now We Need Your Help:   We’ll get right to the point – We need your help. Without the financial support of our Premium Members, we could not afford to continue our work. Over the years, we’ve helped animals, saved the environment, and fought for justice. However, without your support, we will have to close ourRead More →

TAKE ACTION!   SIGN: Shut Down Moran Market Dog Meat Vendor for Good TOP STORIES VIDEO: Kitten Rescued After Getting Head Stuck in Car Wheel   This Elephant Attraction in Thailand is Finally Going Cruelty Free Stray Dog ‚Adopts‘ Homeless Kitten in War-Torn Aleppo   One Ghost Net Can Keep Killing Animals for 600 Years Lady Freethinker is dedicated to creating a free and compassionate world for all species. Please donate to help us keep bringing the most urgent animal advocacy issues to your mailbox!     Stay tuned for more simple actions with big impact, and news you’ll want to know about. Compassionate peopleRead More →

Im Kampf für die Ziesel – weil Aussterben für immer ist!   In der dieswöchigen Ausgabe der ‚Niederösterreichischen Nachrichten‘ erschien abermals ein Artikel über unsere Arbeit für die Ziesel in Niederösterreich. Die kleinen Nagetiere, an vorderster Stelle in der berüchtigten ‚Roten Liste‘ der aussterbenden Tierarten zu finden, verschwinden mehr und mehr von der Landkarte des Lebens; im Bereich um Krems jedoch, der weithin bekannten Weinstadt an der Donau, gibt es aufgrund der geographischen Lage und der gegebenen landwirtschaftlichen Strukturen (hier sind es die Weingärten, welche ideale Lebensbedingungen für die Tiere bereithalten) größere Populationen, welche wir mit aller uns zur Verfügung stehender Kraft zu schützen versuchenRead More →

  Dog Reportedly Shot to Death for Wandering Into Neighbor’s Yard Deserves Justice     A harmless dog was reportedly shot and killed in a horrific case of animal cruelty, simply for wandering onto the suspect’s property. Demand justice for this poor animal. Please Also Help With These Causes:   Justice for Puppy Reportedly Kicked and Dragged in Apartment Elevator   Dog Allegedly Stabbed to Death Deserves Justice   Protect Loggerhead Turtles from Microplastic Pollution   Don’t Allow PetSmart to Discriminate Against Pit Bulls     Learn About Oceanic Noise Pollution and Feed Shelter Animals:   The Animal Petitions Educational Series is part of ourRead More →

      TAKE ACTION!       SIGN: Pass the KITTEN Act to Ban Cruel USDA Experiments on Cats   TOP STORIES     Mexico City Has Just Banned Cruel Dolphin Captivity               VIDEO: Eyeless Dog Gets a New Blind Best Friend to Pal Around With     Vet Who Shot Cat Through the Head with Arrow Loses Her Appeal               The ‚Salmon Extinction Act‘ Has Just Passed in the House     New Footage Shows that Elephants Mourn for Their Dead, Just Like Us   Lady Freethinker is dedicated to creatingRead More →

    Does torturing an animal before killing and eating them make the meat taste better? Would you like your food better if you knew it had been brutally beaten and boiled alive before reaching your plate? Believe it or not, this horror actually exists in China’s dog and cat meat trade. And the cruelty is celebrated each year at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, scheduled for June 21. Let’s stop Yulin in 2018.   Join the Defeat Dog Meat Team to show your commitment to stopping Yulin, and get a free gift. There is simply no reason for this abominable cruelty to happen. BeRead More →

        Friend, Earlier this month, one of our sea turtle nest patrollers in Texas stumbled onto something horrifying on the beach. An endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle entangled in balloon strings and rope. Luckily, our volunteer was trained and immediately called NOAA (the federal oceans agency) to rescue the sea turtle. The threats sea turtles face are ongoing. That’s why we exist – to fight for the sea turtles. Join us in protecting sea turtles by making a donation to Turtle Island Restoration Network today so we can continue to be on the vanguard in the Gulf of Mexico. With your support:Read More →

  Petition: Schluss mit der Kaninchen-Quälerei!   Obwohl es längst anerkannte Alternativen gibt, werden weiterhin Kaninchen in Tierversuchen gequält! Die sogenannten Pyrogen-Tests sind somit nicht nur unnötig sondern auch illegal. Bitte hilf uns mit deiner Unterschrift, damit wir diesen Verbrechen an unschuldigen Tieren einen Riegel vorschieben können! Ein überraschend mildes Urteil ist nun im Prozess um den „Stall der Finsternis“ ergangen. Lies selbst, wieso wir trotzdem „froh“ sein müssen… Das wichtigste Ereignis in der Geschichte des VGT hat heuer 10jähriges Jubiläum. Am 21. Mai 2008 stürmten Polizeieinheiten die Privatwohnungen und Büros von Tierschützer_innen. Grund genug für eine Gedenkfeier. Wir freuen uns auf dich! Harald Balluch,Read More →