Karl-H. W. Greve hat gerade ein Update zur Petition „#EKD – #Tierquälerei jetzt anprangern!” veröffentlicht. Lesen Sie das Update und kommentieren Sie: Neuigkeit zur Petition Offener Brief zum Schweigen des EKD Vorsitzenden   Offener Brief an den EKD Vorsitzenden Prof. Bedford-Strohm Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Bedford-Strohm, auch nachdem Sie von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für artgerechte Nutztierhaltung e.V. eindringlich gebeten wurden endlich auf meine Petition www.change.org/p/ekd-tierquälerei-jetzt-anprangern zu reagieren, schweigen Sie sich weiterhin aus. Mit dieser Haltung demonstrieren Sie nach meiner Auffassung… Vollständiges Update lesenRead More →

Mass culling of ravens is set to go ahead in Scotland. We must say NO to the slaughter of this protected species.     Sign Now       Ravens are beautiful, intelligent and sociable birds. After being common in Scotland in the 19th century, they were driven to the brink of extinction as a result of persecution by gamekeepers and farmers. They’re now a protected species. So why has Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) now given gamekeepers a licence to kill 300 ravens? Raptor Persecution Scotland say, „gamekeepers have long wanted ravens to be added to the General Licence because they are seen as aRead More →

    Tomorrow, Canadian Indigenous leaders are heading to the Kinder Morgan annual shareholder meeting to stop a massive pipeline through their land. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has the power to side with First Nations peoples and stop this project. Let’s tell Prime Minister Trudeau the whole world is watching.  Sign the Petition  Tomorrow, a brave group of Canadian Indigenous leaders are heading to a pipeline company’s annual shareholder meeting to stop a dangerous multi-billion dollar tar sands and tanker project from being built. Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline threatens the climate, water, Indigenous rights, and local communities — yet the Canadian government led byRead More →

Das grausame Kükentöten muss aufhören! Um den Newsletter online zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier .   Sie sind geboren, um zu sterben: Millionen männliche Küken von Legehennenrassen werden kurz nach dem Schlüpfen getötet –  aus rein wirtschaftlichen Gründen. Schon die letzte Große Koalition hatte das Ziel ausgegeben: Es soll Schluss sein mit der grausamen Praxis. Auch im neuen Koalitionsvertrag findet sich das Ziel. Doch die Bundesregierung musste nun sogar zugeben, dass 2017 eine Million Küken mehr (!) getötet wurden als noch im Jahr zuvor. Wir fordern: Die neue Bundesregierung muss endlich wirklich Schluss machen mit Kükentöten! Zudem muss auf lange Sicht die krankmachende HochleistungszuchtRead More →

  Join the Action Team Pledge to Go Vegan Donate Now       Thousands worldwide have downloaded PETA’s podcast—have you? Listen Now!     Featured Horse Kicked in Face After Collapsing—Act Now to Help Get This Horse Veterinary Care An eyewitness captured shocking photos of a horse forced into slave labor in the Havasupai region of the Grand Canyon. After the animal collapsed under a heavy pack and was unable to stand, the wrangler reportedly kicked the downed horse in the face.     SEND A MESSAGE TO HELP THIS HORSE     It’s World Week for Animals in Laboratories—Help End Cruel Experiments onRead More →

Justice for Elephant Starved, Beaten and Killed   Lamxi the elephant was malnourished and beaten for 30 years of her life. When she was no longer useful to her abusers, they apparently left her alone to die in a small brick shed. Demand that these people are found and prosecuted for their heinous crime against this beautiful elephant. Now We Need Your Help:   We’ll get right to the point – We need your help. Without the financial support of our Premium Members, we could not afford to continue our work. Over the years, we’ve helped animals, saved the environment, and fought for justice. However,Read More →

    TAKE ACTION!     SIGN: Justice for Kangaroo Pelted to Death with Rocks at Chinese Zoo   TOP STORIES   Post TitleVIDEO: A Couple Rescued This Deaf Dog and Taught Him Sign Language   V         United Airlines is Changing its Pet Policies in Wake of In-Flight Pet Deaths   Dogfighter who Chained and Starved 100 Dogs Found Guilty on 214 Animal Cruelty Counts           VIDEO: Frail Albino Puppy Beats the Odds, Thanks to Woman’s Loving Care   Loyal Dog Stays by the Side of 3-Year-Old Girl Lost in Forest for 15 Hours   Lady FreethinkerRead More →

Justice for Elephant Starved to Death as „Punishment“   A gentle elephant was intentionally starved to death by his owner as punishment for „bad behavior.“ The owner withheld food from the elephant for one month before the poor animal died of starvation. Demand justice for this cruel and inhumane abuse. Please also help with these causes:   Kitten Allegedly Struck and Thrown Against Wall Deserves Justice   Don’t Separate Children From Their Parents at the Border   Fire Miami Cop Who Reportedly Kicked Man in the Head   Success: Child Marriages to Girls as Young as 13 Abolished     Learn About Oceanic Noise PollutionRead More →

    Tomorrow, Canadian Indigenous leaders are heading to the Kinder Morgan annual shareholder meeting to stop a massive pipeline through their land. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has the power to side with First Nations peoples and stop this project. Let’s tell Prime Minister Trudeau the whole world is watching.  Sign the Petition  Tomorrow, a brave group of Canadian Indigenous leaders are heading to a pipeline company’s annual shareholder meeting to stop a dangerous multi-billion dollar tar sands and tanker project from being built. Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline threatens the climate, water, Indigenous rights, and local communities — yet the Canadian government led byRead More →

    Neuer Beitrag auf Für die Freiheit und das Leben aller Tiere!   Keine Seele, keine Gnade – der Verrat der Kirchen an den Tieren von wolodja51 Von Ingolf Bossenz »… von Kopf bis Fuß mit Blut besudelt, im Gürtel kleine und lange Messer. Die Schlachter ziehen von Haus zu Haus, um die Tiere fachgerecht zu zerlegen. Normalerweise tötet der Hausherr oder Familienvater das Schaf. Eine Aufgabe, die später auf den Erstgeborenen übergeht. Den Opfertieren wird die Kehle durchgeschnitten und dabei ein […] Mehr von diesem Beitrag lesen wolodja51 | 6. Mai 2018 um 7:22 | Tags: Antispeziesismus, »Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche«., Eugen Drewermann,Read More →