Save Marine Life by Reducing Plastic Waste   Tragically, a pilot whale died in Thailand after having 17 pounds of plastic removed from its stomach. Demand that Thailand take action to reduce plastic waste and save the lives of marine animals. Please also help with these causes:   Kittens Reportedly Abandoned in Steaming Hot Carrier Deserve Justice   Stop Dehumanizing Homeless Patients by Dumping Them in the Streets   Disbar Trump’s Misogynistic Lawyer   Stop Deadly Asbestos Poisoning   Learn About Killing Wildlife on Public Lands and Help Feed Shelter Animals: The Educational Series is part of our efforts to educate the public about importantRead More →

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, es könnte sein, dass Elefanten, Nashörner und Gorillas noch zu unseren Lebzeiten aussterben. Doch eine Gruppe von Helden riskiert alles, um das Überleben dieser Wildtiere zu sichern: Ranger. Jeden Tag retten sie Tausende von bedrohten Tieren. Ihre Arbeit ist extrem gefährlich — alle vier Tage wird ein Ranger getötet. Ihr Training und ihre Ausrüstung sind unzureichend, die Hälfte von ihnen besitzt nicht einmal Stiefel! Wir haben jetzt die großartige Möglichkeit, Ranger-Truppen auf der ganzen Welt neu aufzustellen. Die Organisation The Thin Green Line, die mit den besten Rangern der Welt zusammenarbeitet, bittet uns um Hilfe, damit sie Tausende von Wildtierhütern schulenRead More →

This Whale Shark Wasn’t Freed In Time To Survive. But It’s Not Too Late For Others. Sign to Help Save Vulnerable Whale Sharks!!     Sign Now       In the image above, an enormous whale shark has been hoisted onto the side of a vessel by commercial fishermen in Thailand. Unfortunately, the whale wasn’t freed in time to survive. Even worse, the whale shark was reportedly seen giving birth while hanging off the side of the ship, and the baby died as well. For World Oceans Week, take action to protect these amazing animals. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea,Read More →

    Mining companies dump 220 million tonnes of hazardous mining waste directly into our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams every year with virtual impunity. We just helped push Citigroup to stop financing this practice. Now, tell JPMorgan Chase to stop backing these dirty and destructive mining corporations.  Sign the Petition  Big news: You helped push Citigroup to stop investing in mining companies that are dumping toxic mining waste directly into our waters, destroying pristine ecosystems, decimating fish populations and poisoning communities. Now we’re targeting JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest investment banks in the world. Partnering again with Earthworks and the Ditch Ocean DumpingRead More →

  TAKE ACTION!     SIGN: Justice for Dog Paved Over with Burning Hot Tar   TOP STORIES   VIDEO: Rescuer Cares for Orphaned Wombat Just Like Her Own Baby           How Buzzing Bees are Saving India’s Elephants from being Hit by Trains   Why is the USDA Protecting the Identities of Puppy Mills?           Lost Baby Sloth Reunites with Mom, Thanks to Rescuer’s Genius Plan   Lady Freethinker is dedicated to creating a free and compassionate world for all species. Please donate to help us keep bringing the most urgent animal advocacy issues to your mailbox!Read More →

      Friend, In Northern California, a species is teetering on the brink of extinction. Magnificent coho salmon, animals connected to the iconic redwood forests that we all love, are in trouble. The population of these fish has dropped by more than 90%. From 5,000 to less than 500. Can you join us in the fight to protect these last 496 amazing fish by making a donation? You might be thinking: aren’t these the turtle folks? I’ll let you in on a little secret. We’ve also been on the frontline of protecting Central California Coast coho salmon since 1997. For more than twenty years,Read More →

Die EU will schon nächste Woche das JEFTA-Abkommen durchdrücken – mit einem Trick. Um den Newsletter online zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte hier .   Die EU will das umstrittene JEFTA-Handelsabkommen mit Japan im Eilverfahren durchboxen – ohne die Zustimmung des Bundestages. Dabei hätte JEFTA weitreichende Auswirkungen auf das Leben von uns allen. Bereits nächste Woche (!) will der EU-Ministerrat den Vertrag ratifizieren. Es bleiben also nur noch wenige Tage… Unterschreiben Sie jetzt unseren Eil-Appell: Der Bundestag muss an der Entscheidung über JEFTA beteiligt werden!   Hier protestieren!   Hier lesen Sie noch einmal, was JEFTA für uns alle bedeutet und warum der Bundestag darüberRead More →

Starving Horses Reportedly Forced to Eat Dirt and Wood Deserve Justice   Two horses reportedly died of starvation in a horrifying case of animal cruelty. One survivor apparently ingested large amounts of dirt and wood in a desperate attempt to live. Demand justice for these poor horses.   Please Also Help With These Causes:   Cancel Chinese Dog Meat Festival   Save Police K9s from Preventable Drug Deaths   Dog Buried Alive in Hot Tar Deserves Justice   Success: No More Permits Issued for Cruel Black Bear Killings     Learn About the Killing of Wildlife on Public Lands and Help Feed Shelter Animals:  Read More →

June 22, 2018 Dear Friend, Will you help us end the slaughter of dogs for human consumption? We just need your signature! CLICK HERE What I have seen from the brutal dog meat industry will haunt me forever. I will spare you the horrific photos captured from dog meat slaughterhouses, because I know you wouldn’t want to see what I have seen in my research. I have learned all about this cruel and despicable industry, so you don’t have to.    As the Digital Fundraising Officer of FOUR PAWS USA, I was horrified to learn that an estimated 1,000,000 dogs are stolen, transported and brutallyRead More →

Find Man Who Kicked a Field Goal With Cat on Video   A young man was caught on video kicking a cat like a football, while his friends laughed and cheered him on. The condition or even survival of the poor cat is unknown. Sign this petition to help bring this animal abuser to justice. We need your help, so we can keep helping animals:   We’ll get right to the point – We need your help. Without the financial support of our Premium Members, we could not afford to continue our work Defending Animals From Other Humans. Over the years, we’ve helped countless abusedRead More →